Tanz - Female Style
verantwortlich: Sabrina Liedtke





Female Style

Together we will expand your dance base to female style dance elements, do exercises to enhance those skills. We concentrate primarily on posture, gestures and facial expressions in order to develop a music understanding and build dancing self-confidence.


The course consists of an intensive warm-up, across the floor choreos and stretching program followed by learning one relatively long choreography together. We focus on the base elements and learn style-specific movements. No previous knowledge is needed. For training bring comfortable sportswear, knee pads (for floor work highly recommended) and smile.


Together we will expand your dance base to female style dance elements, do exercises to enhance those skills. We concentrate primarily on posture, gestures and facial expressions in order to develop a music understanding and build dancing self-confidence.

Intermediate and Advanced:

The course consists of an intensive warm-up, across the floor choreos and stretching program followed by learning one relatively long choreography together. The across the floor choreos are very important to develop confidence in dance improvisation. Any previous knowledge of dance is needed, otherwise it will be challenging to catch up. For training bring comfortable sportswear, knee pads (for floor work highly recommended) and smile.

I look forward to seeing you!

Choreography example from previous semester:

8007Beginners (en)Mo19:30-20:30Halle 417.02.-14.04.Veranika Kukushki
10,50/ 16/ 40 €
10,50 EUR
für Studierende & Auszubildende der Goethe-Universität

16 EUR
für Beschäftigte der Goethe-Universität

40 EUR
für Gäste

Female Style

If you want to feel the vibe of this semester and learn something new, you've come to the right place.

Together we will learn basics of a female style dance and do exercises to enhance those skills. We concentrate primarily on posture, gestures and facial expressions in order to develop a music understanding and build dancing self-confidence.

The course consists of an intensive warm-up, across the floor choreos and stretching program followed by learning one relatively long choreography together. The across the floor choreos are very important to develop confidence in dance improvisation. Previous knowledge of dance is an advantage, but not a must. For training simply bring comfortable sportswear, knee pads (for floor work) and smile.

We look forward to seeing you!

8008Intermediate/Advanced (en)Fr20:00-21:45Halle 421.02.-11.04.Veranika Kukushki
18/ 26/ 70 €
18 EUR
für Studierende & Auszubildende der Goethe-Universität

26 EUR
für Beschäftigte der Goethe-Universität

70 EUR
für Gäste